Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Selamat siang sobat blogger, di postingan kali ini saya ingin mempostingkan cerita Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih . Tapi dalam Bahasa Inggris, tidak apa-apa ya, sobat bisa translate ke Bahasa Indonesia. Langsung saja silahkan sobat blogger baca ceritanya.

Selamat siang sobat blogger, di postingan kali ini saya ingin mempostingkan cerita Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih . Tapi dalam Bahasa Inggris, tidak apa-apa ya, sobat bisa translate ke Bahasa Indonesia. Langsung saja silahkan sobat blogger baca ceritanya.
Once upon a time there lived a man in Sumatra island. His name was Pak Hasan. He was a trader and had two wives. Each wife had a beautiful daughter. The daughter of the first wife was Bawang Putih while the daughter of the second wife was Bawang Merah. Pak Hasan eventually passed away , because of an accident. Shortly after, a tragic accident befell the first wife.
"What treachery is this! Tell me the truth!" said the Prince angrily.
Little did Bawang Putih know about the death of her mother. Actually, the death of Bawang Putih's mother was not an accident. She was killed in the pond. After the death of the mother, Bawang Putih often sought comfort in the forest nearby. She often sang the lullaby by the same pond where her mother had drowned.
But one day, something peculiar happened. A strange fish appeared to be singing with her. There was something very familiar about the fish. The face looked like her mother. "Mother, is that you?" Bawang Putih asked. The fish nodded its head. She was overjoyed and secretly visited her mother every day.
Months passed and Bawang Merah began to notice Bawang Putih's frequent visit to the forest. Suspicious, Bawang Merah and her mother quietly followed Bawang Putih one evening. They planned to catch the fish, killed it, and gave the fried fish to Bawang Putih.
That night, Bawang Merah made dinner for Bawang Putih. She insisted that it was a reward for all her hard work. Only when Bawang Putih had finished eating, she revealed the terrible deed the have committed.
Wanting to give her mother a proper resting place, Bawang Putih buried the fish bone near the pond. The next morning, Bawang Putih woke up to the most enchanting sight. A magnificent tree had grown near the grave, and a beautiful swing hung from its branches. The swing seemed to call Bawang Putih. As before, she felt her mother's comforting presence around her.
At the time, Bawang Putih began to sing her mother's song. She enjoyed the swing very much. As luck would have it, a handsome prince was hunting nearby. He was enchanted with the sweet lullaby. Mesmerized, the prince watched Bawang Putih from afar. Before he could approach the swing, Bawang Putih has run away. "Wait!" he called out.
The Prince chased Bawang Putih. He determined to find out who she was. At last, he came to a hut, and met a woman. The Prince questioned her who was the girl. Seeing the opportunity, she immediately said, "The girl you are looking for is my beautiful and talented daughter." Then, the woman called Bawang Merah go to out to meet the Prince.
Although charmed by her beauty, the prince still requested her to sing for him once again on the golden swing. However,when Bawang Merah tried to sing the lullaby, the swing stood still.
Bawang Merah's mother begged for forgiveness and admitted that she had another daughter hidden in her house. Returning to the house, the Prince called out for Bawang Putih. He gently convinced her to come with him back to the swing and sing for him. Overjoyed that he had finally found the girl, the Prince finally asked for her hand in marriage. And with that Bawang Putih went on to finally live a life of happiness.
(Source : Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih. Glue Studios 2010.)
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Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Reviewed by Admin24